Friday, 30 September 2016

Tips For Choosing Beagle Puppies In California

By Sarah Baker

Dogs are believed to be the best friend to man, besides other humans. If you have been researching about different dog breeds and finally come to a decision, do not rush into buying the pup. Before you think of bringing the new member of the family home, you need to determine whether you are the best person for the dog. Use the tips below to help you choose beagle puppies in California.

When determining whether you are right for the puppy, you need to have your family in mind. You should establish whether your kids love dogs. If they do, you should start thinking in terms of getting a kid friendly pup. Your kids will be spending most of their time with the pooch. It only makes sense that you start guiding them to teach the new pup and respecting its space.

When you have prepared your family for the pup, you will be steps closer to bringing home a new pooch. Most people only think of visiting dog breeders. Rescue groups and shelters are other options where you can find pups. In fact, you will be surprised that there are numerous pure breeds in the latter. Be sure to look for shelters on online sites to make your search easier.

When adopting a pooch from a shelter, a golden rule is to have a plan at hand. You do not want to be swept away by the pleading faces that will make your choice more difficult. It is advisable to find shelters that are closer to your home. That way, it will be easy to make several visits if you are having problems with making up your mind.

It is true that finding the right place to buy your new pup can be challenging. The biggest challenge on the other hand, is choosing a puppy or two from a litter. It is recommended that you begin by looking into their personality. You can do this by sitting or stand near the pup, but ignoring it. Let her get used to your company and most importantly your scent.

The reason to ignore the dog is to give you the time to learn a few traits about her. For instance, you can tell a dog that is excited and dominant looking at the ears. They are normally perked up and often a held high tail. This state should not be rewarded with attention. Instead, look out for a dog that is submissive and give it your attention.

You will know a submissive dog just by looking at its body language and energy. The head should be slightly down, while the tail should be held halfway up and wagging. If a dog rushes towards the front of the cage, that is a sign of anxiety, dominance or frustration. Shy dogs can easily become aggressive because they are always afraid.

Do not consider buying a pup if you see that they are kept in an unhygienic condition. This could mean that it is affected with various parasites, including fleas that you may not want to carry home. Make certain that the pups are up to speed with all inoculations.

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