Monday, 17 October 2016

Things To Know About Bengal Cat Breeders Florida

By Arthur Morris

One of the greatest friends and companions we can have in this life, lacking human companionship, is a pet. You may be residing in Miami, FL at the moment and trying to decide between a cat or a dog. With the former, some of your friends may have encouraged you to visit some Bengal cat breeders Florida establishments. Thus if you are thinking of getting this breed, it would not hurt to finish this article so that you can get some much needed information.

In terms of physical characteristics, the Bengal will always come either with green or blue eyes. They come with trademark stripe and rosette patterned coats, which are in turn spotted with snow or brown colored spots. It comes in different shades of sepia, silver or mint.

Consideration should be focused on the temperament of this breed. What is really strong up to the third generation is the wildcat characteristics that it has. Getting a kitten or cat that belongs to a fourth generation litter will enable you to get one that has more domesticated characteristics When meeting your breeder, ask for a Bengal that belongs to the fourth generation.

Bengals that have been well domesticated will be very playful, and one that likes to jump around at lot. They are very good jumpers, with recorded heights reaching four feet straight up on a single bound. The breed also loves the water, not having any qualms about being in it or around it. It loves to get as much attention as it can, so if you cannot handle giving too much attention then get another breed.

This breed however produces quite a lot of dander, and is not hypoallergenic as many would think to believe despite their lesser than usual shedding as compared to other cats. Thus if you do suffer from allergies it is best not to get this cat and get a proven hypoallergenic one.

The most common variety of Bengal that one will see is the short haired variety, and if you Google this breed it is usually the short haired variety that is shown. There does however a long haired version that exists, and was developed in New Zealand. This variety is called the Cashmere and has still to be recognized internationally as a valid breed on its own.

Giving this cats regular baths and such will not be so much of a problem for would be owners. This I because as mentioned earlier that they do love to be in or near water. Grooming and brushing of fur should be done at least 30 minutes a week so as it will have good coat growth and maintenance. This activity should assist in making a strong bond between cat and master.

In sum this article has shown some good basic information you can take up with a breeder on your visit. Be sure to gather more information from whatever source you can if you are really intent on giving this breed a chance as your pet. Remember that to have a pet takes a lot of commitment and responsibility so do your research completely before you do take the plunge.

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