Monday, 12 June 2017

All About Black And Brown Royal Standard Poodles

By Ann Butler

Poodles are well-known and appreciated for a very long time, and many of them spent their lives in European castles and similar places. Beautiful, noble and full of grace, these dogs are admired all over the world. But, they aren't only good looking, they are also really intelligent and trainable. Black and brown Royal Standard Poodles are especially popular.

Of course, you will find white poodles, as well as those in other solid colors, or even those that have different color combinations, but only solid colored ones can become show dogs. Silver and blue, apricot or cream, it really doesn't matter which color you prefer, all are beautiful, although brown and black ones are especially popular lately.

Poodles of this type are medium to large by size, and they have lovely thick coat and flat, adorable hanging ears. They have well-proportioned bodies and legs, with small paws and long tails. They shed so little that it can be said that they do not shed at all, and this is certainly important allergy suffering people. Considering that they do not shed, they have to be clipped, usually every six weeks. And they obviously cannot live outside the house.

Show dogs are usually clipped on two different ways, called English saddle and Continental clip.There are several variations of these clips, but also some other popular clips that you can consider, in case you are not interested in dog shows. Lamb clip is always quite popular among poodle owners. This corded, or curly hair, has to be regularly maintained.

Poodles have really good character, they are very clever and it is quite easy to train them. They do not require too much exercise, just a simple day walk, but it has to be regular. They might suffer from separation anxiety, and if they do not get to walk every day, there might be some unwanted behavior changes. In any case, a little regular walk will be good for both dogs and their owners.

This is certainly the long lived breed, 12-15 years in average, but prone to several genetic diseases. Their eyes and ears are especially vulnerable. Their ears need to be checked for wax or mites regularly, and their eyes need special care as well. They might have running eyes, cataract and similar eye issues, and regular vet checks are necessary.

Poodles also need regular baths. Their skin is quite delicate, so you have to use a good quality shampoo, preferably really mild. Another thing that is important is their food. Good quality food is a must, but you should not feed your pet only once a day, it is much better to divide his food into two or three meals, to improve their sensitive digestion.

At last, the fact is you will be surely satisfied with your choice of your pet and friend. He will stay with you for many years, he will behave polite, you can train him and he does not require too much at all. Only your presence and love. Great for single people, great for families with children, beautiful and clever, these dogs are so popular for a variety of very good reasons. Have yourself a nice dog and you won't be sorry.

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