Thursday 1 December 2016

4 Interesting Facts About Cats

By Robin Setser

Cats are nothing short of popular in different households. They are beloved pets to many and the fact that they exhibit different behaviors only adds to their charm. With that said, you might not know everything about these pets, regardless of how fond you are of felines in general. As a matter of fact, here are 4 intriguing cat facts that you probably didn't know about, courtesy of the best vets in the world.

While you might know that cats sleep often, the reason for doing so might be unclear. Cats can sleep for as long as 15 hours per day, and they do this to build and conserve energy. What this does is help them perform the acts that felines, in general, are known to perform. If you see that your own pet is sleeping longer than you would like, don't assume that it's due to laziness. It's simply in their nature to rest longer than most.

What about the agility that cats are known to have? Even though you might know that cats are graceful, being able to land on their feet in many cases, what you might not know is that they can leap up to five times their own height. As a result, they can easily reach otherwise hard-to-access areas. This includes everything from windowsills to kitchen counters. For felines, agility is part and parcel of their overall behavior.

According to companies like Assisi Animal Health, the taste buds that cats possess are different from other animals as well. For example, did you know that cats are unable to pick up on sweet tastes? What this means is that while a dog might be more than happy to dine on some beets with their food, cats won't find them as interesting. The taste buds of cats simply aren't geared the same way, which is another interesting fact for pet owners to know.

Even though cats cannot detect sweet tastes, cats have other keen senses to make up for it. One of their most recognizable is their sight, which allows them to see at one sixth of the light that humans require. It's also worth noting that they can detect ultrasonic sound, which other creatures might not be able to easily detected. These are just a few examples of the sharper senses that cats possess, which only makes them that much more remarkable.

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