Friday 16 December 2016

Discussion About Ringworm & Electromagnetic Therapy For Horses

By Robin Setser

Some illnesses are more visual than others, especially when it comes to equine health. This brings us to the discussion of ringworm, which is one of the more serious conditions that horses can contract. You might have heard of the term "ringworm" before, without truly understanding what it entails. Here is some information about said illness, as well as electromagnetic therapy for horses, that you might find to be interesting.

Assisi Animal Health, as well as other pet care companies, will tell you that ringworm is a condition that equine animals can fall ill with. As the disease in question develops, scabs and lesions will form on the body. These are unsightly, but what many people don't know is that they can cause irritations in horses as well. This is the general basis of ringworm, but it's important to know about the symptoms that can arise as a result of this.

Even though ringworm is often associated with the aforementioned lesions that form on the skin, there are other signs to be aware of. Horses that experience this condition might also undergo hair loss. Areas where hair loss is prevalent are typically where these lesions form, which means that the two symptoms often go together. What you might be curious to know about is treatment for ringworm, which can be acquired if you consult the proper authorities.

One of the things to know about ringworm, depending on the age of your horse, is that the condition might go away on its own. For more severe cases, it's recommended that you clean the infected areas as thoroughly as you can. A veterinarian will tell you to do the same, and it's possible that he or she will talk to you about electromagnetic therapy for horses as well. While it's not typically used as a full treatment method, it's a great way to reduce the pain and discomfort that comes with ringworm.

As a pet owner, your understanding of ringworm should be as solid as possible. No matter how well you take care of your horse, the possibility of illness exists, which means that you should keep a close eye on your animal friend. If you see the aforementioned symptoms crop up, be sure to talk to a veterinarian. Whether it's methods that you can undertake or procedures that said vet will carry out, your horse can receive the right level of care.

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