Friday, 10 March 2017

The Finest Family-Friendly Cat Breeds

By Robin Setser

One of the many reasons why cats - not to mention pets in general - are adopted is that they help to enrich lives. Animal specialists will agree, but you should know that some are better for family life than others. For this reason, it's important for parents to understand which cat breeds might be best for their homes. Here are just a few options that should help the adoption process flow as seamlessly as possible.

Birman - When it comes to the most relaxed cat breeds in the world, Birman cats stand out. Not only are they gentle by nature, but you should know that they are good with children. If they wind up playing too excitedly or aggressively, Birman cats won't act out. Instead, they'll keep their emotions in check. Such a breed of cat is ideal for the family, but there are others that are recommended by companies like Assisi Animal Health.

Burmese - While many cats have striking edges to their appearances, Burmese cats are surprisingly round. From their heads to their feet, their rounded features are difficult to overlook. As far as their personalities are concerned, Burmese cats are nothing short of gentle, albeit curious to the point where they might get into different rooms. As they grow older, like other cats, they tend to be more relaxed and prefer to stay indoors.

Maine Coon - To say that Maine Coon cats stand out would be an understatement. One of the reasons for this is that the Maine Coon breed is quite big, almost like it could rival that of a small dog breed. The breed in question is ideal for family life, given its collected nature. It's also worth noting that it will be able to keep a close watch on your children. This is mainly due to the fact that these specific cats are skilled hunters by nature.

American Shorthair - Without question, American Shorthair cats are among the most energetic that can be imagined. Not only are they good with children, but they tend to mesh well with other pets in the home. In other words, you won't have to worry about separating them or keeping them in different areas of the house. American Shorthair cats are positive by nature, so you should consider them for adoption as well.

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